Dr. Kayla's Super Homeotherapeutic Remedies

Dr. Kayla's Super Homeotherapeutic Remedies for Pain

Following are custom-formulated, high-potency homeotherapeutic remedies that can be taken by, or administered to, all species for a variety of painful conditions.
DKS Muscle Relaxant/Nerve Anti-Inflammatory Remedy / 2oz
A high-potency homeotherapeutic remedy designed to relieve the pain associated with muscle spasms and inflamed nerves. Heals both muscles and nerves as it relieves/reduces pain. Great to take prior to Chiropractic adjustments. Take 3 pumps 3-6x/day.

DKS Pain/Sprains/Strains Remedy / 2oz
A high-potency homeotherapeutic formula designed to heal torn or pulled tendons and ligaments while relieving the pain associated with both. Take 3 pumps 3-6x/day as needed.

DKS Post-Dentistry Pain Remedy / 2oz
This high-potency homeotherapeutic remedy will completely stop post-dentistry pain associated with deep drilling, which often leads to the recommendation from the dentist for a root canal. This remedy has saved hundreds of teeth from needing endodontic work (root canals) caused by pain. Take 3 pumps every 3 hours until pain subsides; continue for an additional 24 hours (3 pumps 3x/day) before stopping.

DKS Sciatica Remedy
This high-potency formula will stop sciatic pain within the first few hours of taking the remedy (3 pumps every 3 hours). Continue taking the remedy for an additional 48 hours (3 pumps 3x/day) after the cessation of pain. This remedy is like a miracle for sciatic pain.

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